Hosting a Sauer Vending machine for a daycare or school. Schools usually place them in their office or in a teachers lounge. Giving the teachers a small snack to keep them going through their day. Daycares usually have them at their entrance and use them as rewards for kids. Kids love being rewarded with a small candy snack or small toy. Government buildings: Police stations, Fire Stations, City Halls, Justice Centers, Juvenile detention centers. In these settings it gives a small snack for anyone that may be using or visiting. We have 3 color choices for machines in stock Red, Blue, and Black, but will never turn down a request for specific color match to fit better in your business. |
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Interested in Learning More About Our Vending Machines and Programs? |
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Hosting a Sauer Vending machine for a daycare or school. Schools usually place them in their office or in a teachers lounge. Giving the teachers a small snack to keep them going through their day. Daycares usually have them at their entrance and use them as rewards for kids. Kids love being rewarded with a small candy snack or small toy. Government buildings: Police stations, Fire Stations, City Halls, Justice Centers, Juvenile detention centers. In these settings it gives a small snack for anyone that may be using or visiting. We have 3 color choices for machines in stock Red, Blue, and Black, but will never turn down a request for specific color match to fit better in your business. |
Interested in Learning More About Our Vending Machines and Programs? |